Matthew’s mom messaged me and said her son was reluctantly giving into her request for a senior portrait session. She explained that he was not big on taking photos, he was the youngest of her children and since she had images of her daughters she wanted to have his session done as well. We discussed his interests and she had a few outfits already in mind for the session. She also requested that I come to their home and use both indoor and outdoor for the session. I was happy to oblige. The day of Matthew’s session was beautiful, but cold and windy! We started with his indoor portraits in his suit and then his cap and gown. Mom had this high back chair in her bedroom and I got an idea. I asked them if they would be okay if we used it and look what happened! We then went outside and they had a huge lake…pond…waterway? I’m not sure what you would call it, but look how beautiful! Matthew was a trooper and a great participant! He looks so handsome and in the end his Mom was happy, win win for everyone!